It’s not always enough to just have a good story on your hands. You need to know how to present that story in a way that not only does it justice, but also makes it easy for your reader to feel the same way you do about it.
Companies often struggle to get their stories in front of the right people to get their names seen and voices heard. Below are five proven tips to help you drive interest from the media while simultaneously building strong relationships with the right influencers.
Subject Lines are Everything.
Before someone even reads your message, they need to open your email. Make the subject line something you’d be dying to open and learn more about. Instilling curiosity and urgency in your subject lines will draw the recipient to the edge of their seat while drastically improving your email open rates.
Media Matters.
In the day and age of social media, it’s common for brands to have videos that tell their story and make it easy for consumers to connect with that story. Content like this is one of your most valuable assets when telling your story and building relationships. Don't be shy about including that video in your messages via a Youtube link, or even embedding it into your messages if possible.
Personalize Everything.
This is a BIG one! Don’t you feel really good when someone makes you feel like you’re the only one who knows about something or has a 1st look at a new product or offer? The same concept applies to driving interest from the media. Be personal, let them know you know who they are, and why you think this would be a perfect fit for them.
Follow Up.
Nobody likes this part of the equation and it’s not the most sexy thing in the world, but you have to follow up. Reporters and editors receive tons of emails. Sometimes they'll miss yours, sometimes they'll open it and forget about it, or sometimes they'll see it but won't be interested in it at the time because they have other priorities. Follow up... it’s where the money is!
Follow Through.
Always, always, always follow through.... or else risk your reputation getting tarnished. If you’re asked to call-in to a podcast or write an article by a certain time, be on time. Be respectful of others’ time, show up when you’re supposed to, deliver what they need, and you’ll find yourself building relationships that’ll pay dividends forever.